Best Children’s Bibles
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Recommendations of the best children’s bibles for every age of kid (and how to avoid all the bad ones) from a seasoned Children’s Ministry Director and mom.
How We Selected These Bibles
As both a former children’s ministry director and family events director for nearly 17 years and a mom of three children, I’ve read my share of children’s Bibles over the years.
Here’s the thing. There are a LOT of bad children’s Bibles on the market. It’s important for parents to understand that.
So, today I want to share with you what I’ve learned about selecting the best children’s bibles for every age, including:
- The “big picture” about why to read the Bible to your kids from early on.
- How to select a good children’s Bible (and avoid the bad ones).
- A review of our families’ favorite children’s Bibles that we read again and again with our kids.
Looking for Teen and Tween Bibles?
We’ve also curated a list of the best tween and tween Bibles for boys and girls, too. Check out our recommendations here…
Why is it important to start reading the Bible early on?
My husband and I lead a class for new parents at our church. One of the things we always encourage them to do is begin reading a children’s Bible to their babies from very early on. Why is it so important to start this routine early on? Well, here are some of the benefits to beginning this routine from infancy or as soon as possible with your kids:
- Your children will expect that reading the Bible is a part of their day. This is setting the stage for them to independently read God’s Word by themselves as they mature. A study by Notre Dame professor Christian Smith shows that children who learn this discipline from early on are more likely to continue in their faith through the teen years and on.
- Kids gain a longer attention span to sit and read. This is preparing your child to focus long enough to actually sit down and read the Bible later in life. So many of us, including me, struggle to sit still long enough to study and reflect on God’s Word. It’s important that we help our children learn to listen to, age-appropriately discuss, and pray over what they read in the Bible from their earliest years. This requires practice and consistency.
- Children will gain an understanding of the main storyline of the Bible and the Gospel that will help shape their worldview from early on. You’ve probably heard it said that children learn more in their first five years of life than any other time. This is prime time for shaping their view of God and the Gospel. And, guess what? If you don’t shape their worldview, someone else will whether you want that or not. PBS will. Disney will. The school system will. Start reading the Bible early and you will give your kids a grid to see life through that makes the most sense. You will help them see their sin, their need for a Savior, and the hope that is found only in the Gospel.
- Reading and believing God’s Word produces good fruit in our lives over time, by the grace of God. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness….” In Psalm 19 we see that it refreshes the soul, makes wise the simple, gives joy to the heart, and gives light to the eyes. These are just a few of the promises about the work of God’s Word in believers’–including even young children’s–lives.
- The Bible promises blessings for the family that faithfully instructs their children. I trust that the Lord’s command in Deuteronomy 6 to all Christian parents is there for a reason. If we, as parents, are faithful to read God’s Word to and talk about it with our kids, as well as strive to live it out (imperfectly and only by God’s grace, I might add), there will be blessings for the family. It opens the door for God to do a great work in our kids’ lives as they grow up.
What makes a children’s Bible good?
It’s important to use discernment when selecting a children’s Bible. Remember, these are just storybooks, not the verbatim inspired word of God. And humans are prone to error. When selecting a children’s Bible, I look for these characteristics:
- God-centered, not man-centered. Do the stories focus on who God is and what he has done? Or do they simply focus on the heroic traits of people? A good children’s Bible makes it clear that God is the center of the story, not humans.
- Grace-centered, not moralistic. Do the stories focus on our need for a Savior and God’s grace in sending His Son to rescue us? Or do they focus only on what we should do? The point of every story and book in the Bible is to ultimately show us God’s plan of redemption for sinners in need of a Savior. A children’s Bible should never leave a child thinking that the main point is to behave. That’s simply not Christianity! We can never earn God’s favor or our salvation through good deeds. It’s actually the other way around–good works are born out of a heart that has been changed by God.
- Written well. Do the stories keep their target age of child engaged? Do your kids say key phrases out loud with you? Do you as a parent enjoy reading it? Those are often the signs of a well-written story Bible. Some of the great ones listed below have a way of drawing children into them through the culturally relevant retelling, clever humor, or use of literary features like rhyme or onomatopoeia.
- Good illustrations. Do the illustrations accurately and age-appropriately reflect what is going on in the story? Is there excellence in the drawings? Some story Bibles do a better job of this than others, but you’ll notice that ones like The Jesus Storybook Bible and The Action Bible draw children into what is going on in the story and creatively illustrate some important truths.
Review of the Best Children’s Bibles for Every Age
Below are some of our other favorite children’s Bible story books that we go back to again and again.
I find it’s helpful to have several different kinds of these Bible story books to read from, since each one has a slightly different emphasis or way of telling the story. Owning several provides variety for the kids and a fresh way to hear different Bible stories.
Read Aloud Bible Stories – For Ages: Infants – 3
We love this classic children’s story Bible for three reasons. 1) God is the hero not the people. At the end of each narrative is a helpful page titled “What did you learn?” It states a few brief God-centered points in order to promote discussion with your child. 2) Lindvall has the gift of reducing complicated Bible concepts down to simple ones while remaining faithful to the original text. 3) The illustrations by H. Kent Puckett have always captured the attention of my young kids as we read together before bed. With large pages full of colorful and simple images, the kids’ eyes are glued to what is happening in the story.
The Biggest Story ABC – For Ages: Infant – 4
This children’s story book Bible is a little different from the others on my list, as it doesn’t include individual Bible stories in full. Instead, you can read this board book (thank you thick pages that don’t tear!!) in one sitting. It helps kids make connections from Genesis to Revelation. Each page introduces a new letter of the alphabet with engaging and whimsical illustrations retelling the biblical narrative in one continuous story. This board book is a fun way for parents to introduce their small children to the larger through-line story of the Bible. My only complaint as an educator: he chose “Gnat” to represent the letter G! Really? A silent G to introduce that letter’s sound? Ha!
The Rhyme Bible Storybook for Little Ones – For Ages: Infants – 2
This small book has a simple, one page rhyming story and picture for each Bible story. It’s a perfect Bible for young kids with a short attention span.
The Rhyme Bible Storybook – For Ages: 1 – 5
The beauty of this Bible for kids is that our children memorized many of the stories and helped us retell them because of the clever rhyming patterns.
The Big Picture Story Bible (plus audio download) – For Ages: 3 – 7
This has been my kids’ go-to Bible during the preschool years and even early elementary. They have learned so much from it. The advantages of this one are that it comes with a free audio download of the author reading the stories, it emphasizes the Bible has one big story with Jesus at the center, and the stories have depth but are simple enough for preschoolers. Note: One thing I noticed is that all the people in this storybook have white skin, which isn’t a true representation of what people in the Middle East would have looked like at that time. A lot of older children’s Bibles make this mistake, but the content is still really great. I hope they update the illustrations for accuracy at some point.
Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids – For Ages: 4-8
A friend of mine who directs our church’s Elementary Ministry recommends this newer family Bible by VeggieTales® creator Phil Vischer. After reading through it myself, I can highly recommend it, too!
The Laugh and Learn Bible for Kids will guide readers from Genesis to Revelation, retelling beloved Bible stories AND tackling tricky questions like “What is sin?” and “What is the Trinity?” Each story is vividly illustrated, takes just five minutes to read, and includes a family connection to encourage family Bible study and help readers learn, talk, and pray together in just 5 minutes a day!
The Jesus Storybook Bible – For Ages: 4 – 9
I’ll never get tired of recommending this Bible for kids. This children’s Bible is a beautiful narrative that helps families understand God’s love for his people and how Jesus–God’s greatest gift to us–is at the center of every story. My husband and I often tear up while reading it because it is so moving. The illustrations are absolutely beautiful and draw the reader into the story. It is, however, missing quite a few key Bible stories, so it’s important to round this out with some other Bible story books.
The Action Bible – For ages 5 – 11
I can’t say enough good things about this Bible. Written in the form of a comic book yet faithful to the biblical text, this storybook Bible has engaged my older son and the elementary children at our church in ways that I’ve never seen before. I like that it hits on the often missed portions of Scripture in children’s Bibles–Judges, the minor prophets, Psalms, etc.
P.S. I highly suggest buying the Audiobook version, along with the hardback. It’s really exciting! My kids listened through it several times as they followed along in the book.
NIV Adventure Bible – For Ages: 8 – 11
My kids all used this NIV Adventure Bible in elementary school, as do many families with elementary-aged children at our church. The elementary curriculum-writing team I was on for years at our church uses this NIV Adventure Bible in all our lessons and classrooms for elementary kids, as well.
NIrV Adventure Bible for Early Readers – For Ages: 5 – 10
This is a simpler version of the children’s NIV Bible that is created for younger readers. It’s perfect for K-5th, as well. I really like this easy-to-understand translation as a first Bible for children.
The Ultimate Bible for Girl (NIV) – For Ages: 8 – 12
If you’re looking for a girl version of the NIV, my 7th grade daughter was and still is a big fan of this one. Packed with exciting features that help tween girls better understand themselves and Scripture, this version teaches girls that the Bible is real, relevant, and, best of all, that the story of God and his people is also their story.
More Resources for Christian Families
9 Must Have Bibles for Tweens and Teens
We’ve also curated the most engaging, relevant, and accurate Bibles on the market for teens and tweens.
Thank you so much for this list of recommended Bibles for kids. We’ve been struggling to find a good one as my daughter has gotten older. We LOVED Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible (it’s very very good) when she was younger, and we now have the Jesus Storybook Bible and Laugh and Grow Bible for Kids thanks to your list. Check out Tiny Truths if you haven’t as well; it’s the best younger kids Bible I’ve ever come across.
Thank you for the recommendation, Tina!
My daughter has adopted a 8 year old girl she wants to know about God what would be a good Bible for her
I love that! I would say a good beginner Bible storybook would be the Jesus Storybook Bible (link above). Great illustrations, easy to follow language/stories.
Another children’s Bible that’s very engaging is The Action Bible (link above). This one covers more stories of the Bible than the one above.
Lastly, a very simple primer about what it means to follow God is this one:
I hope that helps!
Hi!! Our son is 11 and loves his Action Bible and has read it through a few times. I’m looking for something to help take him through his tween and early teen years. Do you have some suggestions? I was looking at the Quest Bible you recommend on your teen list, but was concerned when Amazon described it for ages 15 and up. Thanks for any insight!
Good question. My sons (ages 10 and 14 now) both have loved the Action Bible. When my oldest son got into 6th grade, we got him the Quest Bible because our student ministry recommended it. Every kid is different, but my older son has really enjoyed it! As an 8th grader now, he reads it a few nights a week on his own now (cue the mom tear). It’s NOT flashy with lots of colors. There aren’t any pictures (although a few maps). But, I LOVE that it answers questions on every page in the margins that might come up as a tween or teen is reading a particular passage.
It also tackles answering tough theological questions that are relevant to their age along the way. Examples: “What Is So Important About Dating and Marrying Only Christians”, “How Does the Bible Define Modesty?”, “Do Those Who Never Hear of Christ Go to Hell?” Their answers are biblical yet very nuanced (not overly simplistic), which I appreciate.
Will it be as exciting as the Action Bible to him right now? Maybe not, but I do think it’s a great resource for him to have as he learns to read the Bible on his own. The downside is it’s not as sleek and small as some of the other ones listed on our Tween list, so if he’s carrying it to church, you may want one of those instead.
I hope that helps!
God bless you I now know how to select a good bible for my kids
I’m so glad it was helful!
HI there,
Thanks so much for this list. Our daughters are 11 and 12 and we have go them reading a chapter a day but even what we thought were children’s bibles have so much explicit stuff in them its frightening. We are not ready for them to be reading about intimacy, boyfriends , girlfriends etc yet but want them to be able to consume the word. I am looking at getting the action bible and the Ultimate Bible for Girls. Could you please let me know how age appropriate this is and how much explicit stuff it goes into?
Many thanks
The Bible itself is full of explicit stories (David and Bathsheba, Tamar, etc) and some pretty scary things at times. So, the Ultimate Bible for Girls will include those stories since it’s the original text of the Bible (NIV translation). But, you could always direct your children to start by reading the Gospels, Acts, Psalms, etc that don’t include those portions.
The Action Bible summarizes a large portion of the stories in the Bible but not all of them. Any that would have explicit or scary parts are written in an age-appropriate way. I think most tweens would like it.
When you’re ready to talk with your girls about sex, relationships, etc, we’ve created an entire resource page full of what we think are some of the best Christian resources on the market here:
I hope that helps!
I am looking to purchase new Bibles for both of our daughters. Our older daughter is 11 1/2 years old (though it seems like she’s going on 17) and so I don’t want to do something too juvenile for her. She is adopted and has had major behavior issues most of her life (she is my cousin’s biological daughter, and my cousin is a heroin and cocaine addict and was using while she was pregnant with her), however she has recently made a 180 change in her behavior, and is now seeking The Lord! Praise God! She has all the usual struggles of being a tween, and also with her identity in Christ. We are always speaking life into her, so any Bible that would do this would be especially helpful. Our younger daughter is 4 1/2, about to be 5, really loves to draw and color and do all things creative. She has memorized her book of Prayers. We pour into them, and they are both hungry for the Word of God. Our daughters are both extremely bright and we just want to find appropriate Bibles for them. Thank you in advance for your discernment and guidance! May The Lord continue to bless your blog!
Hi Erica,
Thanks for reaching out and your kind words. I love hearing how you’ve been consistently pouring into your children spiritually. And, what a blessing to see God at work in your older daughter’s life!
For your tween girl (my daughter is the same age), here are the two that my daughter said are her favorites:
The NIV Ultimate Bible for Girls:
– This one has small devotionals throughout that will address identity in Christ and more.
The Action Bible:
– This one is just really engaging to read.
You can also check out our complete list of Tween and Teen Bible recommendations here:
One last suggestion. I’m not sure if she’s ready for this yet, but since you said she acts older, have you considered getting her a subscription to Brio Magazine by Focus on the Family? I have several friends with teen girls who have said it’s been really helpful. Read more about it here:
I hope that’s helpful!
The NIV Adventure Bible is a good one for teenagers.
So helpful , loved how you’ve laid it out so clearly for each age group and why you chosen those bibles
Thank you SO much
I’m so glad it was helpful to you!
Thanks for sharing this. Since churches and schools are closed due to the pandemic, I find this quite helpful. My kids are thankful too.
You’re welcome!
Using a new children’s Bible called Tiny Truths in my 4/5/K class, along with the Jesus Storybook Bible. Check it out! They have some free coloring pages and crafts on their site:
Thanks, Sarah!
Agree! I LOVE Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible.
Pastor isaaccliff kisakye
Check out Tiny Truths:
I am looking to purchase a Bible for my granddaughter who turned 7 in August. She is an excellent reader but is not churched and does not live near me. She is very inquisitive when we are together or often on the phone about God and Who He is. I want to give her something besides a story book for a few reasons. Most importantly to get the Word in her hand and heart but also to hopefully develop a life long quiet time. Lastly, her mom is a wonderful mother and spends a great deal of time with Claire reading. It is my hope and prayer that my daughter in love will develop a relationship with Him as well. What suggestions do you have for a good reader? I looked at Faith Girlz but it shows it is for ages 8 and up. I don’t want to get her something too young but nothing that would cause her frustration as well.
Thank you for any input you may have!
Hi Robin. I love your heart for your daughter and granddaughter to know the Lord. One idea for a 7-year-old girl might be the Hands-On Bible. It’s a New Living Translation Bible, which is a little easier to understand. My daughter is also a very good reader and has had this one for several years now (she’s currently 10). She enjoys the little inset boxes with facts, crafts, and other ideas that tie a Bible story to her life. I’ve included a link below to it.
Hands-On Bible:
Also, I highly recommend the NIrV (New International Readers Version) for younger kids; there are many on the market. It’s VERY readable and what I use with my 8-year-old son. I included a link to a page with several of them below. Check out the NIrV Illustrated Holy Bible for Kids on that page. It looks really fun for her age! I hope this helps some!
NIrV Bibles for Kids:
Thank you for you well thought out comments and list. It is very true that there are a lot of Bible storybooks out there that are simply stories and do nothing to highlight who God is and what He has done for us, and it’s great to find a list of good ones written by a like-minded parent. What are your thoughts on “The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden” by Kevin DeYoung and “The Children’s Story Bible” by Catherine F. Vos? (My children are 4 and 2.) If you were to update this post in 2019, what other children’s Bibles and Bible storybooks would you add to the list, if any?
Hi Rachel. Thanks for your kind words. To answer your questions…We own “The Biggest Story” by DeYoung and our church even did a family event around it for Easter a few years ago. I think the illustrations are top-notch, as is the theology. It’s so important that we teach that the Bible is one big story all about Jesus and DeYoung’s book does just that. This is just me personally, but I thought the writing was ok but not exceptionally engaging for children. My young elementary kids (at the time) lost interest in the storyline. But, that’s not to say it’s not a good resource, and I know many people like it a lot!
As for the Catherine Vos children’s Bible, I had not heard of it but just went and checked it out. The illustrations look outdated because of the 1935 publish date, which turned me off initially. But after reading several stories from the preview online and reading all the reviews…it sounds solid and very well written and Christ-centered. I’m going to order a copy for our family. Thank you for the recommendation!
It makes me so happy to finally see a great gospel centered list for children’s Bibles. It has been so difficult for me to find. I know of the Jesus Storybook Bible and I was seriously considering buying “The Action Study Bible” for my 7 year old (8 in November), Do you know the difference between the regular one and the study Bible? I glanced at the Study Bible in the bookstore and it “seemed” to look like the actual entire text of the Bible, but I could be totally wrong as I didn’t have enough time to look. I did not know The Adventure Bible was currently the only younger age Bible that was not story book or abriged somehow. Anyways, My main question is , unfortunately, I am just starting out trying to teach my 2 boys, age 7 and just turned 5 , about reading the Bible and praying regularly as a family and/or for themselves. My oldest LOVES church and its very gospel centered, theologically sound or stays true to the text, etc. But at home, He isn’t sure if he wants a Bible, sometimes he will glance at mine, but even when I try to read anything from the Bible or a devotional online, both of my children moan, groan, or roll their eyes. They love the shows Superbook and Owlegories, one loves church more than the other, but they seem to be polar opposite with me. Do you have any advice, suggestions, etc that might make them want to start having family devos or prayers without literally leaving, talking, playing, complaining and fighting? I wish I would have started this earlier, however, God really changed me from the inside out about 2 years ago. I just thought I knew God and I thought going to church once a week was all we needed. I can start now and I open to any advice. Thank you so much, I apologize for the length.
Hi Jennifer. I’m sorry that I’m just now responding to your questions! Your comment slipped my notice in June, so I hope you still get this and it’s helpful.
First of all, I want to say that the biggest influence on your boys’ faith is going to be them seeing you authentically following Jesus and for them to see how God is changing you. Studies show that a parent’s faith is the #1 biggest influence in a kid’s life, and I’ve seen this to be true in our church for decades now. Taking them to church, letting them see you read the Bible, asking them for forgiveness when you mess up, praying with and for them. All of those things will add up.
Second, keep praying that God will soften your kids’ hearts so that they will want to know him. We need the Lord to change our desires and turn our eyes to him. Here are some ideas to pray for or with your kids at bedtime:
As for family devotionals, here are a few ideas and resources to look into:
– Listen to Seeds Family Worship music in the car. They are fun, high-energy Bible verses put to music that the whole family can enjoy. The verses I have memorized are because of their songs!
– Try reading a very short devotional before bedtime before reading another book to them. Here are two our family has used and would work for your ages:
Everything a Child Should Know About God –
Indescribable –
– Watch the Wild Brothers DVDs. This a reality show about a real missionary family. It’s very well done and interesting!! We own all 7 or 8 of them.
– Use the Advent Season to learn about God in a fun way each day. You could try doing the Jesse Tree project (Google it) or our Advent Family Devotional (check in our Store). We plan to put together a list of more resources very soon, so check back in November.
Try asking the 7 year old to help you lead the family devotional time or each boy to take turns leading (a teacher hack!). 😉
I hope some of these ideas are helpful in your home! Many blessings to you!
Thank you for this! We just started fostering an 11-year-old who has some basic knowledge, but has never been in a Christian home. We want to really give her a good foundation without losing her interest. We also don’t have a Christian bookstore close so it’s not like I can just go browse and see what looks best. Do you have any recommendations?
God bless you, April. So thankful for your heart for foster children. I have a few suggestions for you, and this will really depend on her personality. The Action Bible is very engaging and does a great job of hitting the highlights of main Bible stories, if she likes graphic novels. My boys have been more drawn to it than my daughter, but I think some girls might like it. The Radical Book for Kids is an amazing resource that’s SUPER interesting and fun. It’s filled with all kinds of facts and stories from the Bible and the history of the church. It’s creative, fun, surprising. Might be a good entry into helping her gain interest in Christianity. It’s perfect for 4th-6th graders. The Jesus Storybook Bible is hard to beat in terms of a children’s Bible. Engaging illustrations, grace-filled understandable retelling of many Bible stories. VERY good resource for someone who is not familiar with Christianity. I think it can keep the interest of even older elementary children. You might also consider buying “What’s In the Bible?” videos. Phil Vischer (the creator of Veggie Tales) made these, and they are hilarious and walk through the story of the Bible from beginning to end. I laugh at them and learn new things, too! I hope that gives you a start. Please reach out if I can help anymore.